Brad Stafford Names Get-Sno Newsletter
Published on Tuesday, July 23, 2013 in General Announcements, News & Updates
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Tucker Sno-Cat dealer Get-Sno Equipment in Newport Vermont were searching for a name for their new Get-Sno newsletter, something catchy.

The Newsletter will cater to snowmobile trail groomer operators, snowmobile clubs, event listings, and insight into the equipment we all lust for.

The crew at Get-Sno and Brad Stafford, a SAM Delegate and president of the Bernardston-Gill-Leyden Snowmobile Club, got into a discussion about, what else, -groomers- and that led to talk about the newsletter.

Brad, who cranks out stories for sledmass on a regular basis, suggested “Groomer has it” as in “rumor has it.”

The idea struck a cord and made it’s appearance in the very first issue of the newsletter. Job well done.

Do you have an interesting snowmobile story to share? Send it to and we’ll post it online and in our monthly magazine.

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