Ski-Doo's $1 Million Club Support Program
Published on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 in General Announcements, News & Updates
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After having given more than $2,000,000 to snowmobile clubs in the past years through this program, BRP will continue its pledge to snowmobile clubs’ volunteers and their trails for the 2011-2012 snowmobile season. Every SAM Club has already been registered in the program by the SAM office, all your club needs to do is participate.

For each snowmobiler who fills out and drops off a coupon at a Ski-Doo dealership of their choice between September 1, 2011 and November 15, 2011, BRP and its dealers will donate $10 cash to the member’s club. It’s that simple! Each snowmobile club is eligible for a total Ski-Doo donation of up to $1,500 in cash (150 members X $10 = $1,500) paid directly to clubs by BRP and the Ski-Doo dealers, upon program completion. Hurry, head to and sign up to receive your exclusive offer and $10 donation coupon. Simply drop off your coupon at your nearest Ski-Doo dealer. Your club will thank you for it! Make sure the name and address of your club is clearly marked on the coupon. Get it done right now and  fill out the coupon online.

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