Snowmobiling on Christmas Day
Published on Tuesday, December 24, 2013 in Guest Columns, News & Updates

I Run to the window

and look at the snow

my yards wrapped in powder

like a white Christmas bow.

All is untouched

virgin snow is abound

that is until tomorrow

when my track hits the ground.

I snap on the throttle

my skis start to lift

I carve through the cold

and blast through a drift.

Deep into the woods

my sled pulls me away

I forget all my worries

that plagued me today.

It’s funny how a sled

makes you forget all thats wrong

when you feather your throttle

hearing your sweet two-stroke song.

Deep into the woods

I’ll ride & I’ll play

for tomorrow’s anew

but will end the same way.

Snowmobiling on Christmas Day

By catmandu170

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