Trail Worker of the Year: Ross Helberg
Published on Saturday, April 2, 2011 in General Announcements, News & Updates
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Ross Helberg is the behind the scenes guy who is always out there trimming and grooming the trails. He regularly communicates with the DCR to ensure they are working within the guidelines to maintain the trail system. He is the club’s unofficial groomer director. He tracks and tally’s the miles of trails that are groomed. Ross maintains the Club’s trail records and submits the SAM Grooming Contract each year. This year alone he has groomed more than a thousand miles of trails. Besides working on the trails, Ross fixes the equipment, too, repairing tracks and drags, whatever the latest equipment failure is. This can be more time consuming than anything. Although he is quiet and humble man he has great respect from those who work with him. The SAM Trail Worker of the Year award was presented to Ross Helberg of the Knox Trail Sno-Riders

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